Smileworks General & Cosmetic Dentistry


(843) 654-7300

882 Whipple Road
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
32.83126 -79.84542

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About Smileworks General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Smileworks is an established dental office that serves all of Mount Pleasant, SC and surrounding areas with expanded hours and convenient location. Relaxing environment with exceptional dental staff and individual expert dentist care, using advanced technology. Highly skilled dental hygienists for teeth cleaning, and talented dentists to provide your family with quality oral care. General dentistry for adults and children alike, and cosmetic dentistry for those wanting the best possible smile. We offer emergency dental services, and open late. Smileworks is the best dentist in town near me! Doctors Andrew H. Gibson, DDS, Tamara M. Caouette, DDS, Dana A. Durlach, DMD, Amber H. Connar, DMD and Bethany A. Herbert, DMD, Ph.D. would love to meet you. 
  • Hours of Operation
  • Mon-Thu: 09:00-19:00; Fri: 09:00-15:00; Sat-Sun: Closed
  • Payment Methods
  • American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
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