Physical Therapy Associates


(405) 240-5088

112 N Blaine Ave
Unit A
Chandler, OK 74834
35.710848 -96.883211

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About Physical Therapy Associates

Physical Therapy Associates is a family owned and operated outpatient rehabilitation clinic located in Chandler, Oklahoma. As a husband and wife physical therapist team, we have over 27 years of combined professional experience. We specialize in spinal pathology, orthopedic injuries, & pain management providing personal one-on-one care that is focused on meeting your individual therapeutic goals. Unlike other clinics, you will spend your whole treatment with a licensed physical therapist, allowing for consistency in treatment, and in many cases, a quicker recovery. We look forward to helping you meet your rehabilitation goals.
  • Products or Services
  • Manual therapy
    Myofascial release
    Therapeutic exercise
    Gait training
    Work hardening
    Modalities (ie. Ultrasound, e-stim, traction)
    Custom orthotics
    McKenzie method
    Spinal pathology (ie. Necks & backs)
    Sports medicine
    Orthopedic injuries
    Neurological disorders
    Musculoskeletal problems
    Geriatric rehab
    Pediatric rehab
    Post-operative rehab
    Work related injuries
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