Vocal David DDS


(207) 725-5831

135 Maine St
STE #1
Brunswick, ME 04011
43.916778 -69.966203

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About Vocal David DDS

David Vocal, DDS, is pleased to be able to offer beautiful smiles to his neighbors in Brunswick and the surrounding communities. Dr. Vocal is passionate about dentistry and strives to give all of his patients a positive dental experience, without judgment or pressure. His patient-centered philosophy focuses on you and your individualized dental care. He believes the more involved you are in making dental health decisions, the less room there is for fear and uncertainty.
  • Products or Services
  • Cosmetic Dentistry, Short-Term Ortho, Dental Implants, Gum Health, Pediatric dentistry, Dentistry for Adults
  • Hours of Operation
  • Mon-Thu 7:30AM-4:30PM	
  • Payment Methods
  • Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa
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